The Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Project (E-SLIP)
The Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Project (E-SLIP)
The Zambian livestock sector makes an important contribution to poverty reduction, household food security and nutrition, economic growth and exports, but is constrained by disease, inefficient natural resource use, low levels of animal husbandry, limited genetic improvement, lack of accessible knowledge and the necessary infrastructure for marketing and value addition.
The Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Project (E-SLIP) provides valuable support to the Zambian livestock sector through strengthening Government ‘s capacity for animal disease control by reducing the incidence of East Coast Fever(ECF) and Contagious Bovine PleuroPnuemonia(CBPP), which are among the main causes of cattle mortality in Zambia. E-SLIP has also conducted value chain studies and is developing market- oriented extension manuals for improved cattle, goat, sheep and poultry production and marketing.
The project is implemented by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MFL), through the Policy Planning and Information Department (PPID), with its counterpart Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) and Department of Livestock Development (DLD) as the technical departments responsible for Programme implementation.
The Programme will contribute to the Development Goal: sustainably improved incomes of rural poor households in targeted provinces and districts in Zambia, which is consistent with the goals of the Revised Sixth National Development Plan (RSNDP, 2011 - 2015). The Programme Development Objective (PDO) is: the production and productivity of key livestock systems of targeted female and male smallholder producers in all provinces of Zambia are sustainably improved. The Programme has two components: (i) Animal Disease Control Sustainably Improved; (ii) Livestock Production Systems Sustainably Improved.
The Programme also partners with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the integration of livestock production into their conservation agriculture programme in Zambia, the World Food Programme (WFP) on their school milk programme and livestock insurance index, as well as with private animal health service providers under the animal health component, non-government organizations (NGOs), under the animal production and productivity component, and private livestock markets and product processors across the programme.
E-SLIP works closely with the IFAD financed Rural Financial Services Extension Programme (RUFEP). Beneficiary communities will be closely engaged in Programme implementation and monitoring
The main impact indicators at the goal level:
Equal livelihood improvements for female- and male-headed households. The main impact indicators at the Programme Development Objective level are:
The programme targets 180,000 female and male smallholder livestock-keeping households (cattle, goats, pigs and village chicken) in the programme areas including members of producer organizations. There programme targets a large numbers of indirect beneficiaries, primarily the large population of farm households who keep livestock.
In fact, approximately 900,000 farms will benefit indirectly from the Programme, specifically through improved disease control and access to information and technology, particularly fodder production and improved livestock management developed under E-SLIP. Consumers will benefit from more, better quality livestock products. Livestock industry service providers will benefit from increased service and input demand.
The programme area is national in scope and in particular is implemented in districts endemic or prone to Contagious Bovine Pleural Pneumonia (CBPP) and/or East Coast Fever (ECF) disease outbreaks throughout the country.
CBPP eradication is pursued in Muchinga, Northern, North Western and Southern Provinces. While ECF control and tick-borne disease (TBD) management is dependent on sero-surveillance results and is implemented in Eastern, Southern, Central, Lusaka, Copperbelt, Northern and Muchinga provinces. The forage development programme is implemented in all of the aforementioned provinces.
The stocking and restocking programme is implemented in all districts in Zambia based on a needs and opportunities assessment.